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Cottonwood Fluff


Cottonwood Seeds Blanket River Park

Chicago's North Branch Riverfront Transformed by Fluff

Chicago, IL - June 2, 2023 - River Park along the North Branch of the Chicago River has been transformed into a winter wonderland of sorts, as cottonwood seeds have piled up in abundance. The white, cotton-like fluff, which comes from the seeds of female cottonwood trees, is a common sight in late spring and early summer in the Chicago area.

What Causes the Cottonwood Fluff?

Cottonwood trees release their seeds in the spring to ensure their reproduction. The seeds are dispersed by the wind, and they can travel long distances. When the seeds land on a moist surface, they will germinate and grow into new trees.

How Long Does the Cottonwood Fluff Last?

The cottonwood fluff will typically last for a few weeks until the seeds have germinated or been blown away by the wind. In the meantime, the fluff can be a nuisance for people who live near cottonwood trees. It can also be a hazard for people who have allergies to pollen.

How to Deal with Cottonwood Fluff

There are a few things that you can do to deal with cottonwood fluff. First, you can try to avoid areas where the trees are in bloom. If you must be in an area where cottonwood trees are blooming, you can wear a mask or scarf to cover your nose and mouth. You can also try to stay indoors as much as possible during the peak blooming season.

If you have allergies to cottonwood pollen, you may need to take medication to relieve your symptoms. You can also talk to your doctor about getting allergy shots, which can help to reduce your sensitivity to the pollen.

